They’re at it again…

The news is Hamas – the most recent version of Islamic terrorism – has commenced open warfare on Israel. How surprising.

One notes Islam has been hating Jews and Judaism since Ismael had children. During the Roman Empire, Saudi Arabia and what is now Iran and much of that area was not under Roman rule. When Rome was finally fed up with the resistance of the Jews to surrender to Roman culture and standards of ‘normalcy’ the Romans essentially destroyed the ancient nation of Israel by exiling all the inhabitants to various places – the Diaspora. The pre-Islamic Arabs – descendants of Ismael – cheered and moved in to the land.

In more recent times (pre 1948) one notes the area called ‘Palestine’ was populated by the rejects of the Islamic nations of that area. One observes the rather slap-dash area called Palestine was essentially raw land occupied by peoples exiled from other nations and countries, living lives of bare subsistence tending sheep largely.

During the 20th Century, Jews moved back to the area of Ancient Israel and became part of the landscape. In 1948, the Country of Israel was recognized (and the Islamics went wild.)

1948 saw the Arab- Israeli war. Israel won. And It should be noted Israel did not absorb all the land of the ancient nation of Israel. Several invasions and brouhahas later, Israel is the most prosperous nation in the Middle East (save perhaps Saudi Arabia with oil, and Saudi Arabia has a lower GDP per capita than Israel). In fact, Israel has the most personal earnings on average of any middle eastern country. In fact, Israel is 19th in the world (2018 figures).

But, global Islam hates the Jews anyway – envious, maybe?

The Palestinians, those who derive from being exiled from other Islamic controlled nations, claim the land is theirs by history. That Israel existed there prior to Islam is ignored.

All that aside for the moment; on 7th October 2023 the next incarnation of Islamic terrorism, Hamas attacked Israel without declaration of war or warning or even issuing demands. They have murdered (killed non-combatants and helpless people) and torn up all they could.

Allow me to point out the 11th September 2001 attacks were committed by Al-Qaeda, the then current version of Islamic terrorists. No big stretch to connect the 11/11 attacks and the current invasion of Israel. The two attacks were occasioned by the same hive mind.

I can see no doubt that an attack on our ally is not a threat to the United States. Despite some elected officials claiming otherwise.


Filed under Islam, Politics

2 responses to “They’re at it again…

  1. Anonymous

    Trouble is sir, the Jews that now populate Israel are not descended from the Kingdom of Israel. They are descended from cannibal outcasts, who have fooled you into thinking they are the inheritors.
    The land neither belongs to the Jews nor the Muslims. It belongs to God and His only Son.

    Not to mention how much they hate us. We are supposed to be slaves to the Jews, according to them.
    There’s no conspiracy, it says it right there in their Talmud.

    • No, the Jews of present Israel are NOT the descendants of cannibal outcasts. I do not know from where you get that misinformation, but it is wrong and intentionally deceptive.
      Yes, ultimately the land of Israel belongs to God; the Son of God is indeed God.
      Oddly, they do not all hate “us” – depending on one’s concept of “us”. Many Jews take historic note of how Jews were persecuted, exiled and murdered by those who claim to be Christians. I can understand the reaction. However, I have talked with many who, while disagreeing with the Christian concept of God as Christians do, are quite polite to Christians as individuals. A not uncommon phenomenon between ‘groups’ of humans.

      One notes you use the pseudonym ‘Anonymous’. That’s interesting in itself. I must ask, what is your ‘religious’ background? What ‘faith’ (if any) do you claim? I’m really interested in determining your information.

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