Tag Archives: pardon


Meaning “the state of being not or no longer needed or useful”, closely related to “redundant” meaning “(of a component) not strictly necessary to functioning but included in case of failure in another component”, with synonyms of “unnecessary · not required · inessential  · unessential  · needless · unneeded · uncalled for · surplus · superfluous”


Senator John McCain today announced he disapproves of President Trump’s decision to free the U. S. Armed Forces of the fiscal, administrative and tactical burden of ‘transgender’ people in the Armed Forces.  Sen. McCain’s position puts him squarely in  favor of the former President’s theory the U. S. Armed Forces is not intended to defend the U. S. militarily, but rather a social experimentation laboratory.


Sen McCain also disagrees with the pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio regarding the Sheriff’s conviction of purely political ‘violations’.


My comments to the Senator from Arizona:  Relax, John; we all know you are a RINO and hate all contributing to the well being of the United States.  You can quit proving it.


Perhaps he should show some honesty and publicly change his political party affiliation.


Filed under Civilization, General Idiocy, Idiot Politicians, Nation, Political Correctness, Politics, Racism